Microprocessors usually consist of only a CPU, and are commonly used in personal or single board computers. Microcontrollers are a combination of the CPU, memory storage, as w...
Wireless modules cover a wide range of products, encompassing all the technologies that have the capabilities to connect to other devices on the same network without the use of ...
The AS6221 is a high accurate digital temperature sensor with an accuracy of up to ±0.09°C, which is ideal for healthcare applications, wearables and devices requiring high-pe...
The MAX30207 is a low-power, high-accuracy digital temperature sensor with ±0.1°C accuracy from +30°C to +50°C and ±0.3°C accuracy from 0°C to +70°C. It provides a 16-bi...
The MAX86176 is a complete photoplethysmogram (PPG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) analog front-end (AFE) solution for wearable applications. The MAX30005 is a complete AFE solutio...
The AS5306 is an incremental position sensor for linear and rotary off-axis applications based on contactless magnetic sensor technology. To measure position and motion a multi-...
The AS8579 is a capacitive sensor that detects the change of capacity in different applications. The capacitive sensor measures the impedance that originates between a conductin...
The TCS3400 device provides color and IR (red, green, blue, clear and IR) light sensing. The color sensing provides for improved accuracy lux and color temperature measurements ...
The TMD2635 features advanced proximity measurement in a tiny (1.0mm x 2.0mm) and thin (0.5mm) optical land grid array module that incorporates a 940nm IR VCSEL and is factory c...