The CMV20000 is a global shutter CMOS image sensor with 5120 by 3840 pixels. The image array consists of 6.4 μm x 6.4 μm pipelined global shutter pixels, which allow exposure during read out while performing CDS operation. The image sensor has sixteen 12-bit digital LVDS outputs (serial). The image sensor also integrates a programmable gain amplifier and offset regulation. Each channel runs at 480 Mbps maximum which results in 30 fps frame rate at full resolution. Higher frame rates can be
achieved in row-windowing mode or row-subsampling mode. These modes are all programmable using the SPI interface. A programmable on-board sequencer generates all internal exposure and read out timings. External triggering and exposure programming is possible. Extended optical dynamic range can be achieved by multiple integrated high dynamic range modes.