Microprocessors usually consist of only a CPU, and are commonly used in personal or single board computers. Microcontrollers are a combination of the CPU, memory storage, as w...
Bluetooth module are basic circuits used for short range 2.4GHz wireless communictions between two or more devices without the use of electrical wires. These module incorporat...
Wireless modules cover a wide range of products, encompassing all the technologies that have the capabilities to connect to other devices on the same network without the use of ...
A MEMS microphone is a type of electro-acoustic transducer that combines a sensor (MEMS) and an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) into a single IC. The sensor conve...
Extremely low-power premium tier Bluetooth Audio SoC in a WLCSP package, designed for use in compact, voice-enabled, feature rich, truly wireless earbuds.
Qualcomm® QCC5...
QCC3031 is an entry-level flash programmable Bluetooth Audio SoC based on an extremely low power architecture which has been designed for use in featured optimized Bluetooth spe...
The i.MX 6QuadPlus family delivers dramatic graphics and memory performance enhancements and are pin-compatible with a broad range of i.MX 6 processors. This device encompasses ...
The QN9090 and QN9030 are the latest microcontrollers in the QN series of Bluetooth low energy devices that achieve ultra-low-power consumption and integrate an Arm®Cortex®-M4...